Publication produced by Winrock International, for Tetra Tech, through USAID Contract number AID-612-TO-14-00003, Protecting Ecosystems and Restoring Forests in Malawi (PERFORM). Publication approved by the United States Agency for International Development.
Drigo R. 2019. Woodfuel Integrated Supply/Demand Overview Mapping (WISDOM) Malawi. Analysis of woodfuel demand, supply, and harvesting sustainability
FAO UN REDD - Phase II of Integrated Land Use Assessment in the Republic of Zambia. GCP/GLO/194/MUL (FIN) - Zambia
Drigo R. 2017. Analysis of demand, supply and sustainability of wood products in Zambia. Analyzing ILUA II data to inform REDD+ investment. Final Report. Phase II of Integrated Land Use Assessment in the Republic of Zambia. GCP/GLO/194/MUL (FIN) - Zambia
REDD - Forestry and Climate Change Cell of Nepal. FAO/UN-REDD Programme Targeted Support (UNJP/GLO/386/UNJ) – Nepal.
Drigo R. 2016. Data analysis for estimating emissions from forest degradation due to fuelwood harvesting in the context of Nepal’s Forest Reference Level (FRL)
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 11/2015; 40(1). DOI:10.1146/annurev-environ-102014-021318
Masera O., R. Bailis, R. Drigo, A. Ghilardi and I. Ruiz-Mercado 2015. Environmental Burden of Traditional Bioenergy Use. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 11/2015; 40(1). DOI:10.1146/annurev-environ-102014-021318.
The study "Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Non-Renewable Biomass: WISDOM and beyond", commissioned by the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC) and supported by UN Foundation, is implemented by the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (FES) in partnership with the Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental (CIGA) and the Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas (CIEco) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
Drigo R, Bailis R, Ghilardi A, Masera O 2015. WISDOM Karnataka - Analysis of woodfuel supply, demand and sustainability in Karnataka, India.
Nature Climate Change - Study Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (FES) and National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) commissioned by the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC) and supported by UN Foundation.
Bailis, Robert; Drigo, Rudi; Ghilardi, Adrian; and Masera, Omar 2015. The carbon footprint of traditional woodfuels. Nature Climate Change. doi:10.1038/nclimate2491
The study "Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Non-Renewable Biomass: WISDOM and beyond", commissioned by the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC) and supported by UN Foundation, is implemented by the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (FES) in partnership with the Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental (CIGA) and the Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas (CIEco) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
Drigo R, Bailis R, Ghilardi A, Masera O 2015. WISDOM Kenya - Analysis of woodfuel supply, demand and sustainability in Kenya
Drigo R, Bailis R, Ghilardi A, Masera O 2015. WISDOM Honduras - Analysis of woodfuel supply, demand and sustainability in Honduras.
The study "Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Non-Renewable Biomass: WISDOM and beyond", commissioned by the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC) and supported by UN Foundation, is implemented by the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (FES) in partnership with the Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental (CIGA) and the Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas (CIEco) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
Drigo R., R. Bailis, O. Masera, and A. Ghilardi 2014. Pan-tropical analysis of woodfuel supply, demand and sustainability. Tier I Final Report. Yale-UNAM GACC Project.
REDD - Forestry and Climate Change Cell of Nepal. Project "Development of a Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System for Emissions and Removals". Project implemented by Agriconsulting SpA.
Drigo R., Gehendra Karki and Saroj K. Sharma 2014. WISDOM Nepal and contribution to MRV
Activity carried out by AGRICONSULTING S.p.A, in the framework of the Programme d’Appui au Développement du Secteur Forestier PAREF -B2 (Belgian assistance), for the . Department of Forests and Natural Conservation (DFNC), Rwandan Natural Resources Authority (RNRA), Ministry of Natural Resources.
Drigo R., A. Munyehirwe, A. Munyampundu and V. Nzabanita 2013. Final report - Update and upgrade of WISDOM Rwanda and Woodfuels value chain analysis As a basis for the Rwanda Supply Master Plan for fuelwood and charcoal.
FAO Timber and Energy Project, Darfur (OSRO/SUD/823/UEP) in collaboration with UNEP and Food Security Information for Action (SIFSIA N) FAO OSRO/SUD/620/MUL
Drigo R. and P. Codipietro 2012. WISDOM Darfur - Land Cover mapping and WISDOM analysis for emergency and rehabilitation planning in Darfur. Update 2011
Sudan Institutional Capacity Programme: Food Security Information for Action (SIFSIA) FAO OSRO/SUD/620/MUL
Drigo R. Mohamed Osman El Hassan and Fatha el Aleem Mohie el Deen 2012. WISDOM Sudan - Spatial analysis of woodfuel supply and demand in Sudan based on WISDOM methodology and new land cover mapping
FAO-SIFSIA (prepared by R. Drigo) 2012. The burning issue. Woodfuel balance and policy options in Sudan. A summary brief based on WISDOM analysis
FAO Project “Appui à la formulation d’une stratégie nationale et d’un plan d’actions de foresterie urbaine et périurbaine à N’Djaména, République du Tchad” TCP/CHD/3203D
Drigo R. 2012. Plateforme WISDOM pour N’Djamena - Diagnostic et cartographie de l’offre et de la demande en combustibles ligneux
Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB) and Instituto de Agricultura, Recursos Naturales y Ambiente (IARNA)
Larrañaga M. M., Noelia Flores Marco 2012. Oferta y demanda de leña en la República de Guatemala/Woodfuel Integrated Supply/Demand Overview Mapping.
Slovenia Forest Service - IEE Project MAKE-IT-BE Work Package 4
Drigo R. 2011. Upgraded WISDOM Slovenia as supporting tool for bio-energy initiatives in Slovenia
FAO Forestry Department – Wood energy. FAO Project TCP/RWA/3103
Drigo R. and V. Nzabanita 2010. WISDOM Rwanda - Spatial analysis of woodfuel production and consumption in Rwanda applying the WISDOM methodology
Ghilardi, A., R. Villacorta, L. Morales, F. Serrano, and O. Masera 2009. Estimation of the fraction of non-renewable fuelwood in the residential and public education sectors in El salvador
FAO. Wood Energy Programme
Trossero M. 2009. Proceedings. Expert Consultation “WISDOM: Evaluation of current status - 18-19 June 2009” and Seminar “Building capacities for sustainable bioenergy – 22 June 2009”
FAO Project TCP/CAF/3103
Drigo R. 2009. WISDOM pour les villes - Plateforme WISDOM pour Bangui. Diagnostic et cartographie du territoire et de la société pour le bois Énergie
FAO. Wood Energy Programme
Drigo R., A. Anschau, N. Flores Marcos, S. Carballo, E. Baumont Roveda and M. Trossero 2009. Análisis del balance de energia derivada de biomasa en Argentina – WISDOM Argentina
FAO Project GDCP/INT/001/SPA
Drigo R., N. Campanero, F. Rodríguez y M. Broto. Editing M. Martin Larrañaga 2009. WISDOM Castilla y León - Evaluación de recursos leñosos para usos energéticos
FAO Project TCP/CRO/3101
Segon V., I. Milkovic, M. Vrebcevic, G. Kovac and R. Pernar. Editors: J. Domac and M. Trossero 2009. WISDOM Croatia. Spatial woodfuel Production and consumption analysis applying the WISDOM methodology
Drigo R. 2009. WISDOM Global. Phase 1- Supply Module. Documentation Note.
Ghilardi A. 2009. Estimation of the fraction of non-renewable fuelwood in the residential and institutional sectors in El Salvador
Drigo R. 2009. WISDOM Niger Delta Region -Analysis of woodfuel supply and demand in the delta of the River Niger in Nigeria.
Ghilardi, A., G. Guerrero, and O. Masera 2009. A GIS-based methodology for highlighting fuelwood supply-demand imbalances at the local level: a case study for Central Mexico
Drigo R. and N. Stanzani 2008. Identification and definition of Bio-energy Districts (BD). Case study Emilia Romagna, Italy
FAO Forestry Department. Urban forestry – Wood energy
Drigo R. and F. Salbitano 2008. WISDOM for Cities. Analysis of wood energy and urbanization aspects using WISDOM methodology
Ministério de Agricultura, Moçambique. Direcção Nacional de Terras e Florestas. AGRICONSULTING SpA.
Drigo R., C. Cuambe, M. Lorenzini, A. Marzoli, J. Macuacua, C. Banze, P. Mugas, D. Cunhete 2008. WISDOM Mozambique - Wood energy supply/demand analysis applying the WISDOM methodology. Wood energy component of the Consolidation Phase of the Project “Integrated Assessment of Mozambican Forests”
UNAM, Mexico
Ghilardi, A. 2008. Análisis multi-escalar de los patrones espaciales de oferta y demanda de leña para uso residencial en México
FAO. Département des forêts Foresterie urbaine et Dendroénergie.
Drigo R. et F. Salbitano 2008. WISDOM pour les villes. Analyse de la dendroénergie et de l'urbanisation grâce à la méthode WISDOM
Università degli Studi del Molise, Italy. Laboratorio di Ecologia e Geomatica Forestale,
Drigo R., G. Chirici, B. Lasserre and M. Marchetti 2007. Analisi su base geografica della domanda e dell'offerta di combustibili legnosi in Italia. (Geographical analysis of demand and supply of woody fuel in Italy)
FAO. Environment and Natural Resources Service (SDRN) and Forest Product Service (FOPP).
Drigo R. 2007. Wood-energy supply/demand scenarios in the context of poverty mapping. A WISDOM case study in Southeast Asia for the years 2000 and 2015
Fundação Memorial da América Latina. São Paulo, Brasil: Centro Nacional de Referência em Biomassa (CENBIO).
Ghilardi, A. 2007. Estimación espacial de la oferta de madera para energía en Brasil
UNAM, Mexico
Ghilardi, A., G. Guerrero, and O. Masera 2007. Spatial analysis of residential fuelwood supply and demand patterns in Mexico using the WISDOM approach
FAO Wood Energy Programme and Slovenia Forest Service
Drigo R. and Ž. Veselic 2006. Woodfuel Integrated Supply / Demand Overview Mapping (WISDOM) - Slovenia - Spatial woodfuel production and consumption analysis
Masera, O.R., A. Ghilardi, R. Drigo y M. Trossero 2006. WISDOM: a GIS-based supply demand mapping tool for woodfuel management
FAO. Wood Energy Programme
Drigo R. 2006. WISDOM – East Africa. Spatial woodfuel production and consumption analysis of selected African countries.
Masera, O.R., A. Ghilardi, G. Guerrero, A. Velázquez, J.F. Mas, M.J. Ordóñez, R. Drigo, and M. Trossero 2004. Fuelwood “hot spots” in Mexico: A case study using WISDOM
Drigo R. 2004. WISDOM Senegal – Analysis of woodfuel production/consumption patterns in Senegal.
Drigo R., N. Krajnc , Ž. Veselic and M. Trossero 2004. Area-based woodfuel flow analysis using the WISDOM approach: a case study for Slovenia
FAO. Wood Energy Programme
Masera, O.R., R. Drigo and M. Trossero 2003. A methodological approach for assessing woodfuel sustainability and support wood energy planning
FAO Forestry Department; Unasylva
Drigo R., O.R. Masera and M.A. Trossero 2002. Woodfuel Integrated Supply/Demand Overview Mapping – WISDOM: a geographical representation of woodfuel priority areas